It’s not always sunshine and roses as we know, although I’d like to think it could be. It’s my intuitive hunch that we are destined to find that sweet spot, a beautiful balance point where we are able to dance gracefully along the tight-rope without mishap, like tip-toeing through the tulips without crushing anything tender. For now though, let’s face it, we still seem to have a few more lessons to learn. Some days are easy, others, not so much.
Here’s a poem, song lyrics actually, written 32 years ago. I remember the melody and sing it acapella in the safety of my own home. Bluesy and haunting, it’s not exactly sweetness and light but feels apropos right about now, as we are collectively forced to contemplate our own mortality and the mortality of those we love. Strangely, there’s much to be gained by dipping into the dark sometimes, even though it’s akin to taking a big bitter, necessary swig of truth serum. It’s our nature to want to avoid what’s uncomfortable. It takes emotional and mental muscle to develop faith, to hold space and melt into discomfort, the very thing that will aid in the dissolution of difficulty. The shortest way ‘round is always, most definitely, through.
Simple Act of Faith
I’m the girl from the north country where cottonwood is blowing
In a land of wood smoke and wild rose Don’t argue, hear me out There are just some things a woman knows
I see fire in the temples and there’s trouble on the mountain
It’s black at noon and the city gates are closed While something special is going on in Heaven today
Running dogs and paper tigers block up the road
I’m begging, pleading, praying for Amazing Grace I’d throw myself at her feet for just one look at her face
But it’s the hardest lesson to learn This Simple Act of Faith
The train I’m riding is coming from Blue River Riding shotgun under a blood red moon With flaming will I’m aiming to sink down into Silence
Beneath the radar of those raging horsemen of doom
Think of me crawling up a ladder looking for the secret door If I move the right brick, I won’t be searching anymore But the game could soon be over should I lose my foothold And by the time the news reaches you, my soul will already be bought and sold
So I’m begging, pleading, praying for Amazing Grace I’d throw myself right down at her feet with just one look of her face
But it’s the hardest lesson to learn This Simple Act of Faith
Someone has to be the wild card, someone the joker
Thank God there are many roads to Kingdom Come
But If I don’t return by morning sing a dirge for me And hold my requiem
That's why I’m begging, pleading, praying for Amazing Grace I’d throw myself right down at her feet for just one look of her face
But it’s the hardest lesson to learn This Simple Act of Faith © Anne B Brown 1988